Friday, March 18, 2016

What it's like to have a Hida Scan (Gallbladder)

On Tuesday, I had my Hida Scan to check the functionality of my gallbladder. I had been looking online to see if anyone had blogged or posted about the experience, but sadly came up short. So, I thought I'd make a post about my experience to share with the interenet world.

I started the night before by not eating anything after midnight (My test was at 8 am so that wasn't too hard). Once I got to the hospital, the first thing they do is bring you into the test room where there's a big machine (similar to an MRI, except that it's open) and have you lay down on the table. I had a pillow waiting for me, though I had brought my own just in case, and a pad to support under my knees while I laid there for an hour or s for the scan.

Next, they started an IV (Guess what, it took 3 tries, 2 nurses, and 2 heated blankets) and injected a radioactive highlighting solution. (Doesn't hurt at all). After that, they slide the table under the machine and have you lay still for about 45 minutes to an hour. I chose to sleep for a bit and got in a little nap, YAY!

Then, they'll start a drip  of a medication that makes your gallbladder contract and makes the muscles work so that they can look at and watch how much it is actually functioning. Now, I'm not going to lie, this part was very uncomfortable for me. I had a cramping sensation that lasted the rest of the procedure until after I ate something an hour later. It wasn't that it was painful, it was just a discomfort with an aching sensation. However, the whole test was pretty easy for me, all I did was lie there doing nothing. (and snoozing!)

If you're having a Hida Scan anytime soon feel free to ask me questions via email (Comment for info) or call your clinic as I'm sure they'll be happy to help!

Stay well and have a low pain day my friends.

Yours truly,

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