Friday, March 18, 2016

Lonely Home School Girl

I hate being on home hospital. Everyone at my school gets to go to the assembly today and I am out of breath and blotchy skinned with low blood pressure all because I took a shower (with my mom's assistance at that). I miss my friends. It's so, so hard for me being alone all day, everyday in addition to feeling like crap constantly. That's the worst part about being sick, I think. It's hard to have friends.
At school, you can hang out with a lot of different people throughout the day. You get so much social interaction. But for me? I sit waiting for a text most of the day from people who are in classes People who don't always remember I'm waiting. And that's okay. I'm not ever-present in their life during the day anymore. I understand that sometimes life just gets away from you...

People think that being sick gives you some kind of superpower to make friends. Well, it doesn't. The truth is, unless you're dying, no one cares. It's not that they're against spending time with you while you suffer, they're just for themselves enjoying life. It's the truth I've learned in the past 4 years. But that's okay. I accept this truth.

I know I have friends. I have a great boyfriend, too. It's just that sometimes I wish I'd get a random text from one of those friends saying "thinking of you! Let's hang out soon!" It would honestly brighten my days so much being able to hangout with friends. And luckily for them, I get tired really fast so they wouldn't even have to be here more than an hour lol. For now, though, I spend my days reading and playing Sims. Up next I have War of the Worlds, one of my all time favorite classics. Honestly, I love anything by H.G. Wells. He's my favorite author. At least I have H. to keep me company during the days.

Well, sorry for rambling, I know this wasn't really related to my health, but its more about my emotional health and how I'm doing. How I, the person, am doing. Which, for now, I'll say I'm doing okay. (Because we all know that "fine" isn't fine and I don't wanna be too obvious). Thanks for reading.

Yours truly,
Broken but Beautiful

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