Thursday, March 17, 2016

IV Vent

I just had the worst day... (Well not my worst but for a normal person it would've been the end of days) I went in for fluids because I've been throwing up all day and unable to consume anything orally without it causing a major stomach fit. Even water made me spew. I couldn't even take my nausea medication! Lol. But the first nurse that tried to do my IV spent 25 minutes only to get 2 bad sticks, one of which blew the vein (my hand is throbbing as I speak of the event), and the other which is on my wrist bone and so, so bruised. The second nurse tried in my forearm and wound up 'fishing' for a good 10 minutes before moving to my other arm to FINALLY get a good stick on my hand!!!BUT it was right up against a valve so even SALINE hurt and burned like hell leaving me irritated bumps going up my forearm.

(Mind you I was still nauseous and flu-feeling this entire time because the dissolvable zofran they gave me didn't do shit. Plus, I hadn't had my pain meds ALL DAY. So I was trying not to cry from frustration as they failed over and over to get a good stick.)

At that point in time I basically said "please I think I'd rather just get a Phinigrin injection and go home to chug Gatorade in peace". So that's what they did for me and I was sent home covered in holes and bruises. The sad thing is, I can't even blame a nurse or the universe because it's just how my stupid EDS body treats needles. My veins slip around and hide or blow (very easily, apparently).
I'm at my wits end, honestly.

I had my HidaScan for my gallbladder on Tuesday and I see the surgeon for the results this Tuesday. It seems I get worse every day. The attacks are more severe each time and almost always include a low grade fever. I'm ready for this to be done and over.

Yours truly,

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