Monday, August 1, 2016

ER again

So I was back in the ER twice this past week with a status migraine which is still not fully gone... I was left in the waiting room of the ER for 5 hours and I kept passing out, one time in which I actually  THREW MY NECK OUT. They brought me out a sheet and tape and left me there. I was livid but mostly in pain. That was about hour 3 too. I was in my wheelchair thankfully so it could have been a LOT worse in those chairs they have there.

Once I was actually back in the ER they put me in one of the recliners in the hallway where all the noise, lights, and commotion happen. My head had had enough I was so nauseous and the head splitting pain made me finally break down into an anxiety attack. My mother did her best to calm me and all but it was still a horrific experience. They did an ultra sound IV that HURT so badly I had them take it out and even with the nausea they just had me chugging water. (Didn't end well for my tummy). They called my neurologist finally at UCSF and while that happened they gave me IV zofran (prior to taking it out), a pill of tramadol, and a shot of Immitrex which HURTS. Oh and then they didn't even put a bandaid over where they gave me the shot and I started bleeding everywhere.

Long story short I'm very unhappy with how it went.